
How Heavy is Regret?

"We suffer from one of two things. Either the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. Discipline weighs ounces and regret weighs tons." -Jim Rohn

Sometimes that hardest thing is to follow through with our resolutions. We may start out setting well-intentioned goals and soon we find ourselves back in the same old patterns. It's certainly much easier to stay in your comfort zone than to step out of the box and change certain behaviors.

Most of us are so busy that we don't even know when we would find the time to make these necessary but dreaded changes. After all, we work so hard, that it's pleasure we seek, not more work. The irony of it is; if you take the time and make the effort now to achieve what you want, ultimately it is pleasure that you will experience.

On the other hand, if you hold onto the limiting belief, that change takes to much effort, then guess what, you will continue to live with behaviors that will only keep you stuck right where you are today. And, instead of experiencing increased wealth, health, love, etc., you're pleasure seeking mission of staying the same and not upsetting the apple cart, will guarantee you looking back one day with regrets.

If there is something in life that you are not experiencing and you would really like to, then the only way to get yourself from here to there is to take some kind of action. Even if you start small, by doing something everyday to reach your intended goal, it will eventually snowball into actions that result in experiencing the pleasures you desire.

Discipline is nothing more than making a decision and sticking with it. If you want something bad enough, keep the end result in mind and keep moving in the direction of where you want to go. If you happen to fall off the wagon, just get back on it. By doing something each day that will bring you closer to your goals, you will strengthen your patterns, until eventually they become a habit.

By starting something and not following through, it reinforces the old and familiar, it keeps you stuck in a rut and six months or a year down the road, you'll wish you had taken the steps to achieve what you wanted. But, since you didn't, you're now faced with deciding once again if you will make the commitment to yourself to do what it takes to get what you want or just learn to be happy with the way things are.

Isn't better to push through the pain of creating a new habit and suffer for a little while--rather than a lifetime?

All of our choices come with consequences. You already know what the consequence is to stay the same, now you have to weigh if it's worth making the effort to make a change and live the life you've always desired. It's your choice!

Source: articlestree