If you have negative information on your credit report, you have to do something about it. Don't ignore it. You have to get rid of it.
Your credit report is your history of paying debts and other bills. It is used by lenders to determine whether you qualify for a particular loan, credit card, or financial service.
It is important to review your credit report. If you find information in your credit report that you believe is inaccurate, correct them as soon as possible.
It is important to review your credit report. If you find information in your credit report that you believe is inaccurate, correct them as soon as possible.
Write a letter to the credit bureau and state that you have reviewed your credit report and found certain items you believe to be in error. Request they investigate these items and correct the errrors.
It is always a good thing to keep copies of all correspondence. Send your letter by certified mail with a request for return receipt.
You can't just say you are going to get rid of bad credit. You have to really mean it. You have to take the time to find out what works and stick with it. You need to know where to look.
There are many resources on the website below that have all the information you will need for building good credit. Before you leave this website you are going to discover all the information you need to eliminate bad credit, improve your credit rating and much more.
Once you're armed with the right information, you can easily get started rebuilding or establishing your credit rating.