
Five Empowering Questions You Really Need To Ask Yourself About Money

Prior to the invention of money, commerce was transacted via the barter system. If we had kept this system it would have been impossible for us to enjoy the lifestyle we have today.

Money is a tool invented in order to enhance the lives of each and every one of us but to ensure it is enhancing your life there are some questions you need to ask yourself.

1. Is money enhancing my life or am I stressing over money?

Remember that the whole purpose of money is to make your life better. If money is a major source of stress for you then you either have to change your relationship with money or you have to change your beliefs about money, or quite likely both.

Once you start seeing money as your friend and not your enemy then it will start to flow into your life.

2. Is money helping me do the things I want to do or am I doing things I don't want to do in order to gain money?

People who become really rich don't do it by doing things that they don't like in order to earn money. They make their money by doing things that they really love and are totally passionate about.

As a result they earn enough money to be able to comfortably do the other, non-earning, things they enjoy in life.

On the other hand, people who are not rich are generally earning money from a job that they don't like very much, if at all. They are certainly not following their passion.

What about you? How are you earning your money? Does your system sound more like the rich person's system or the broke person's system?

3. Is money helping me enjoy my relationships (spouse, family, friends) or are my money-making activities or money-worries putting stress on my relationships?

Money, if used properly, can really enhance your relationships. Being in a strong financial position can give you the freedom to spend more time with those you love and the cash flow to enjoy the things that you really love to do together.

4. Am I controlling the money in my life or is money controlling me?

The self made rich know exactly where their money is going because they have made a conscious decision as to where and how they spend. Broke people usually have no idea where their money is going. They have never sat down and worked out a system to keep track of it and they have never taken the time and discipline to decide exactly how they should be using the money they have.

More money doesn't solve poor money management, it just makes matters worse. Remember the old saying that if you learn to manage the pennies the dollars will manage themselves.

5. Is money working for me or am I working for money?

Good money managers make a decision to invest a certain percentage of whatever they earn and they give priority to that investing.

Bad money managers spend money first and, if they think about saving or investing at all, they plan to save or invest what is left. Of course if spending is your first priority there will never be any money left. In fact you will probably spend next month's earnings as well by going into debt.

People who become rich only go into debt in order to create more profit long term. People who stay broke go into debt to buy the latest and greatest gimmick, fashion or toy, usually to impress their so called friends.

How did you go with the five questions?

If there are some areas you need to improve on then why not start today?

James Delrojo would like to help you by giving you his ebook "Unleash the Success Power of Your Mind" (valued at $27) completely FREE. Go to http://www.YourSuccessMind.com